Financial Crisis and Non-Performing Exposures in Greece, a recent analysis by Professor Gikas Hardouvelis

Gikas A. Hardouvelis
 • Translation from the original article in Greek, published in a book of conference proceedings, entitled: "Obligations of Financial Institutions, Proceedings from the 29th Panhellenic Conference on Commercial Law," pp.245-297, edited by the Association of Greek Commercialists, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2021.

Greek Sovereign Debt: Addressing Economic Distress and Growth in the Euro Area

P. Alexakis, G. Hardouvelis, D. Paxson, G. Sick, L. Trigeorgis
 • SSRN 3092688 December 2017

Style Concentration in Ownership and Expected Stock Returns

Gikas A. Hardouvelis and Georgios I. Karalas
 • SSRN 3065191, October 2017

A Decade Long Economic Crisis: Cyprus versus Greece

Gikas A. Hardouvelis and Ioannis Gkionis
 • Cyprus Economic Policy Review, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 3-40. 2016

Discussion on Lessons for monetary policy from the euro-area crisis – C.Α.Ε. Goodhart

C.Α.Ε. Goodhart Discussion: Gikas Α. Hardouvelis
 • BANK OF GREECE, Economic Research Department – Special Studies Division, Special Conference Paper, July 2013

External Financing, Growth and Stock Returns

G. Hardouvelis, G.Papanastasopoulos, D.Thomakos, T.Wang
 • European Financial Management, 18:5, pp 790-815, August 2012

The World after the Crisis: S.E.E Challenges & Prospects

Gikas Hardouvelis
 • 3rd South Eastern Economic Research Workshop, Bank of Greece, Athens - November 19, 2009

The impact of EMU on the equity cost of capital

G. Hardouvelis, D. Malliaropoulos and R. Priestley
 • Journal of International Money and Finance, 26:2, pp.305-327, March 2007

EMU and European Stock Market Integration

G. Hardouvelis, D. Malliaropulos and R. Priestley
 • Journal of Business, 79:1, pp 365-392, January 2006

Asset Prices and the Need for New Policy Instruments: the Case of Countercyclical Margin Policy

G. Hardouvelis
 • Banque De France, International Symposium, Monetary Policy, Economic Cycle and Financial Dynamics, pp. 331-350, March 2003

The Assymmetric Relation Between Margin Requirements and Stock Market Volatility Across Bull and Bear Markets

G. Hardouvelis, P. Theodossiou
 • The Review of Financial Studies, 15:5, 1525-1559, December 2002

Intertemporal Asset pricing models with and without consumption data: An empirical evaluation

G.Hardouvelis, D. Kim and Th. Wizman
 • Journal of Empirical Finance, September 1996, 3: 267-301

The Relative Cost of Capital for Marginal Firms over the Business Cycle

G.Hardouvelis, Th.Wizaman
 • Federal Reserved Bank of New York, FRBNY Quarterly Review, Autumn 1992

Monetary policy games, inflationary bias and openness

G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, January 1992, 16: 147-164

Money and Interest Rates: The Effects of Temporal Aggregation and Data Revisions

T. Cunningham, G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of Economics and Business, February 1992, 44: 19-30

The Evolution of Federal Reserve Credibility: 1978-1984

G. Hardouvelis and Sc. W. Barnhart
 • the Review of Economics and Statistics, August 1989, LXXI: 385-393.

Evidence on Stock Market Speculative Bubbles: Japan, the United States, and Great Britain

G. Hardouvelis
 • Issue: Lead article, Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Summer 1988, 13(2): 4-16.

Economic News, Exchange Rates and Interest Rates

G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of International Money and Finance, March 1988, 7: 23-35.

Stock Prices: Nominal vs. Real Shocks

G. Hardouvelis
 • FinanzMarkt und Portfolio Management, Jahrgang 1988, 2: 10-18

Optimal Wage Indexation and Monetary Policy in an Economy with Imported Raw Materials

G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of International Money and Finance, December 1987,6: 419-432.

Reserve Announcements and Interest Rates: Does Monetary Policy Matter?

G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of Finance, June 1987, 42: 407-422.

Macroeconomic Information and Stock Prices

G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of Economics and Business, May 1987, 39: 131-140.

Exchange Rates, Interest Rates, and Money Stock Announcements: A Theoretical Exposition

G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of International Money and Finance, December 1985, 4: 443-454.

Commodity Prices, Money Surprises, and Fed Credibility

J. A. Frankel, G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, November 1985 (part I), 17: 425-438.

Market Perceptions of Federal Reserve Policy, and the Weekly Monetary Announcements

G. Hardouvelis
 • Journal of Monetary Economics, September 1984, 14: 225-240.

Are Rational Expectations for Real?

R.Craine, G.Hardouvelis
 • Greek Economic Review, April 1983, 5: 5-32.

Are Rational Expectations Operational?

R. Craine, G. Hardouvelis
 • Issue: Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1981, pp. 844-48.

Data Based Priors: Stationarity, and Rational Expectations, (with R. Craine)

R. Craine, G. Hardouvelis • Issue: lead article, Economic Review, Conference Supplement, FRB of San Francisco, October 1980, 4-35.