Authors: G. Hardouvelis, P. Monokroussos, C. Papadopoulos, M. Davradakis, C. Vorlow
Publication: Greece Macro Monitor, Eurobank Research, September 2005
Key points:
- Structural reforms at the heart of the Structural reforms at the heart of the government’s agenda government’s agenda
- Domestic economy performing well but Domestic economy performing well but risks linger risks linger
- Significant acceleration of EU funds’ Significant acceleration of EU funds’ absorption needed absorption needed
- Tax revenues need a major boost Tax revenues need a major boost
- Fiscal sustainability Fiscal sustainability implies substantial implies substantial primary surpluses primary surpluses
- Greek-EU inflation differential remains a EU inflation differential remains a drag on competitiveness drag on competitiveness
- Higher oil prices pose growth and Higher oil prices pose growth and inflation risks inflation risk